Match Story: Xander & Caleb

“In order to be a successful Big, you have to care and want to help others.” Big Brother Xander advises to those thinking of taking the next step. “You need to make yourself and your Little feel vulnerable.”

While Xander and his Little, Caleb were recently matched in early 2017, they are quickly overcoming any hesitations or shyness with each other. They’ve enjoyed going to sporting events and target practice at an archery center. One of their favorite memories was volunteering at the Ostrich Festival in Chandler where they watched Ostrich, Camel, Emu, and Zebra races. The pair also focus on Caleb’s education and life goals. “My future plans are to help him graduate high school, get his driver’s license, and help him find his interests and passions.”

Mentoring is a two way street. While Xander helps Caleb hone in on what is important and finding a career path, Caleb has taught Xander the importance of listening and waiting. Skills he applies not only as a match, but in his professional life as well.

“Being a Big is extremely fun because you get to experience various events in the valley that you normally would not have, and you get to teach and mentor along the way. I wouldn’t change being a Big for anything!”

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